Monday, February 29, 2016

in the Dark

smell of tobacco
west winds bring me my answers
praying into dawn

Friday, February 26, 2016

Driving by

Standing arms up roots deep I see a one eyed tree. It faces the west into the setting sun. I only see it for a second then I drive by.

a tree with one eye
gazing late into the sun
I wonder whats seen

I stand here arms to the sky
praying for summers return

Driving home

South winds rushing North
watching winter melt away
so many raptors

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I feel

I feel like Haiku
syllables painting pictures
simple words that cut

20 year flowers

Things to think about.
Lilys  torn by cat teeth, Gnawed on flowers still hold their meaning. They were given in love and sit just for viewing. In some ways the torn petals have more meaning. Like love that endures. They look a little tattered but are still beautiful in their own way.

petals torn by teeth
sitting in a vase waiting
glowing from with in.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


one ladder remains
a barn collapsed on itself
sunlight on shingles

Friday, February 19, 2016

Fly fishing in Feb.

thunder walking north
water tapping on my hood
Flies in the River
knee deep in finding my peace
no place I would rather be

Saturday, February 13, 2016


We ride to battle our voices as trumpets
Our faces shine from with in
We talk of past glories smiling at the memories
Griffons ride on our shoulders
Great craftsmen make our gear

We wear our armor  with pride
For we are always in battle among the throng
Knowing our spirits are stronger
Our shields and helms shine
With the skill of our smiths

We fight as well on foot as on horse
We are Men and Women of many talents
We defend what ours with brothers and sisters
Sword and shield, Pole-axe, and spear
We are Northshield and harbor no fear